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Why Choose Us For clientsExperienced: We have deep experiences in our practices. Our partners and lawyers have worked through the most complicated and challenging transactions in the market. To evaluate our services and experiences, you can just visit our lawyer’s blog or read books written by our lawyers.Innovative: Vietnamese law is usually unclear and may be interpreted in many different ways. Without knowing the inner working of Vietnamese law and regulators, one can easily get lost in the maze of Vietnamese regulations. With understanding about the law and the practice in Vietnam, we often come up with innovative legal solutions to difficult situations in Vietnam. We also spend our non-billable time on researching and writing on Vietnamese law and practice, developing new precedents and sharpening our skills so that we are always on top of any Vietnamese law issues.Client services: To deliver quality legal services to client, it is not enough for a law firm to just have some individual lawyers with good legal skills. In the era of advanced technology and deep international integration, a law firm will need to build a legal team which understands client’s business, knows how to manage a legal project and delivers workable legal solution on time. At VNLaw, we are building a platform to foster cooperation among lawyers and partners , which in turn will deliver excellent legal services to our clients.Alternative fee arrangements: For a very long time, legal fees are usually calculated based on the time a lawyer has spent on a matter multiplied by the lawyer’s hourly rate. While it may be appropriate to evaluate legal fees based on the time spent by a lawyer, it does not encourage lawyers to work efficiently or share risks with their clients if their hourly rates are fixed for all kinds of works. To better serve our clients and to reflect our working efficiency, we may offer different hourly rates for different tasks. In addition, with the cooperation by the client, we may work on a fixed fee or capped fee basis.An “open source” approach: A professional law firm traditionally maintains an in-house system of precedent and know-how that it has accumulated over time. However, most of a law firm’s precedent and know-how are kept private so that the relevant law firm can recycle them in future similar engagements. This traditional practice is intended to increase efficiency of a law firm. At VNLaw, we have a new approach. To the extent practicable, we will make our know-how and precedent publicly available over time. We hope that you may resolve a legal issue by yourself just through our blog posts or our publication at a fraction of the potential legal fee that you may have to pay a professional lawyer for the same issue.